I stumbled upon this website while poking around on Publishers Weekly: http://booklife.com/.
It looks very helpful for authors who are considering the self-publishing route. It provides various articles and resources for getting your book ready to be published and helpful tools to use once it is published. This self-evaluation tool in particular provides some greats ideas on what you should or could be doing to help get your book ready for publishing: http://booklife.com/about-us/self-evaluations.html.
The self-evaluations can help to form a strategy and a sort of checklist of things to do before (and after) you publish your book, including tips on writing, editing, designing, printing, and marketing.
This article, http://booklife.com/create/editing/07/28/2014/everyone-needs-an-editor.html, also offers some great explanations about how to approach the editing process and how to get started as a self-publishing author. It boils down how to know what level of editing you need, how to find the right editor for you, and what to budget for an editorial pass on your manuscript.
It looks very helpful for authors who are considering the self-publishing route. It provides various articles and resources for getting your book ready to be published and helpful tools to use once it is published. This self-evaluation tool in particular provides some greats ideas on what you should or could be doing to help get your book ready for publishing: http://booklife.com/about-us/self-evaluations.html.
The self-evaluations can help to form a strategy and a sort of checklist of things to do before (and after) you publish your book, including tips on writing, editing, designing, printing, and marketing.
This article, http://booklife.com/create/editing/07/28/2014/everyone-needs-an-editor.html, also offers some great explanations about how to approach the editing process and how to get started as a self-publishing author. It boils down how to know what level of editing you need, how to find the right editor for you, and what to budget for an editorial pass on your manuscript.